[#592] Drifting

Don’t tell me you can’t love yourself
You can love yourself, like you never felt
Can tell you I was scared to try
Don’t be scared to try, if you look inside
You could be anything
I could be anything

Adelitas Way, ♫Drifting

Today was the first time I’ve visited the Ironwood Hills sim a long time and on and off there were talks of it closing so I wanted to at least take one more shot there that was recent if it indeed decides to shut down for good. The latter would be a shame because it’s a fantastically put together post-apocalyptic landmark that I took a lot of photos in the earlier part of my blogging career when it was fresh and new.

It was one of the first I considered to visit first when the idea for this photo came into my brain. The idea circled around of me dressed up predominantly in black looking pretty rough like the world had taken its toll and that I’ve spent most of my time drinking whiskey (or whatever I could get my hands on). I arrived and started scouting when I found a run down decayed building with a fire escape that lead up to a fire barrel and a decrepit mattress (which didn’t make the cut in the photo I completed).

This was where I needed to work my magic.

I have to say that the look I put together for this blog is one of my favorites. This is the type of style that suits me well (in my mind) and likely would wear every day if it wouldn’t weird me out by not changing clothes (and I do often because of being a blogger). Black is not really a color as far as most are concerned but it is one of my favorites as far as clothing goes, however, wearing black in every look would not be productive for me or for anyone who visits.

My hairstyle really fits well in the environment as it appears unkempt (not dirty or unwashed just uncombed). “Sawyer” is brought to you by Modulus at Uber and it’s great that us guys can get things at the event too and who better than a great hair brand? Of course it is a medium length messy style that works to bring about the pessimistic, heavy drinking, non shaving, down on his luck kind of guy that I envisioned.

The more I think about it as I listen to “Drifting” it was the best choice and really only choice to be the soundtrack of this blog post. The picture and the lyrics in the song to me coincide to tell a story and it can be interpreted whatever way the mind of the readers want it to. That’s the best thing about photos just like with music…it can mean different things to different people and not all are the same.

Modulus – Sawyer Hair

  • Original “Nex-Gen” Alpha Mesh
  • 5 color tone HUDs with integrated tinting available
  • 40 color tone FATPACK also availalble
  • Exclusive to Uber until 02/23/19

Several months ago ::K:: released the “Sephiroth Coat” at TMD and normally I grab stuff I really like when it first comes out but somehow I managed to forget about it and didn’t realize it until TMD was already over for that round. I am pretty sure that it was the December round which makes a lot of sense because it was a super busy month for me with many things dividing my attention.

I gave it a bit of time before I took a trip to the flagship store and it was there waiting for me with open arms and I didn’t hesitate; I’m a sucker for long coats (if there was something to blame for that it’s likely both a combination of Highlander and The Crow). Then I left it in my inventory for a bit because there wasn’t an idea suitable enough for me to bother opening it up…until the last few days.

Slowly I put my plan together of what hairstyle I was going to do and then also what pants and shoes (which are not visible to really talk about them but I have blogged them before) to pair them with and because I would feel bad for not mentioning them I will at least give them an honorable mention. One of my easy go to pairs of pants are Cold-Ash’s “Dean Chinos” because they go with just about everything and fit superbly. I’ve worn them quite often even in photos that you might not recognize that I’m wearing them because I’m really a fan of them.

My shoes are from A&D and are called “Firenze”, they are similar in style to an oxford shoe but not completely. I consider these a go to as well when I’m wearing pants that are not fit for boots or ankle boots as well as when sneakers will not compliment the rest of the outfit. They are certainly worth giving a look and have been around a bit as well as have had an update to them at one point.

The most important part though is not just the location that helped tell the story but the pose itself. Reve Obscura makes some of the best and easily affordable poses on the grid plus the creator behind the store is a cool dude as well (I’ve spoken to him a time or so via Facebook). This pose and prop set contains everything you need to be the best lush you can possibly be from the bottle of liquor down to the half full glass in hand. I promise you that if you’re looking for poses you won’t be able to leave Reve Obscura without buying something because it’s inspired you.

On that note I really should wrap things up before it gets to be too late. I have a few other ideas I want to entertain before I call it an evening (which includes some outfit prep for future blogs). I definitely encourage you to take the taxi’s to the stores and events left in the style credits because as a journalist of sorts it’s my job to help bring readers to things that are new or maybe new to them.

The pleasure’s been all mine and hope that you’ll be back again for the next one which I’d expect will be done in the next day or so. Until then be safe, be well, and be your best self because it’s all we can really do to help make the world function a tad better.

Best regards,


POSE & PROPS: Reve Obscura – Whiskey

HAIR: Modulus (Store / MP) – Sawyer Hair @ UberNEW
BEARD: Hermony – Mario Facial Hair

JACKET: ::K:: – Sephiroth Coat (Black)